About Wakefall

Wakefall was born from a simple idea: to create bedding that brings color, and cohesion to every room. After running an Airbnb for a few years, we wanted our bedding to feel like they belonged anywhere in the house—whether a pillow found its way into a different room or a blanket was swapped. The goal was seamless coordination without sacrificing personality. But when we searched for sheets that fit this vision, we kept running into the same plain neutrals everywhere.

Our mission to create our own line started with being as eco-friendly and sustainable as possible, second goal was color. Because we believe bedding should be functional and inspire creativity.

From organic, French-grown linen and biodegradable materials to our 100% coconut buttons, every choice we make is about creating quality products that are gentle on the planet.

hello@wakefall.com - Salt Lake City, Utah